Twenty Degrees and Partly Cloudy
Twenty Degrees and Partly Cloudy 10" x 8" acrylic on gessoed panel Back to a more conventional style, impressionism if you will. I've been wanting to do more seasonal landscapes, it seems like I'm doing summer scenes in the winter too often. I have tons of photo references for landscapes and I usually end up painting whatever strikes my fancy, regardless of season. This one is from a series of photos taken from the car while driving through Wisconsin. Don't worry, Becky was driving. I'm trying a slightly different technique, blocking in the color areas with regular acrylic paint and then coming back in for a second layer with the slower drying Golden Open Acrylics to get a more wet on wet effect. The sky, however was painted entirely with Open Acrylics. I painted a gradient mixture of phthalo blue red shade and white over the whole sky and then started working back in with various tints over the wet paint.