Outstanding in its Field
Sorry, couldn’t resist the pun. Painted from a photo taken near Madison Wisconsin. I was down there to celebrate the life of my great friend Lon, who died late last month. He was in a bad motorcycle accident, but was on the mend when he suffered a massive stroke. He rode all over the country roads around Madison either on his motorcycle or in his Miata. I’d ride along in the Miata sometimes. I restrict myself to four wheels. His wife and my wife Becky have been friends for years and along with another friend they had been going out every Thursday night for over twenty years, until Lon and Diane moved to Madison. The three of them were together on the Sunday of the memorial, everyone else had left so I decided to leave them to themselves and go out and look for some subject matter for paintings. I got lost and never really found the really cool areas we used to explore, but I think I got some nice shots. There will be more to come from that expedition.
Lon would have loved the pun.
6” x 6” acrylic on panel